

Closing date for comments is 23rd April 2010

(At end of XII European Banking Supervisors XBRL Workshop in Rome)


A new FINREP fully dimensional Taxonomy was published on 31st December 2009.


This XBRL taxonomy, like all major XBRL taxonomies, represents a significant effort by a large number of people, in this case by people primarily within the FINREP XBRL group.


Request for Comments


What is being requested now is the expert opinion, comments and observations of the wider XBRL community on the new Taxonomy.


Location of Taxonomy


The taxonomy and all the related supporting documentation can be found here: http://www.eurofiling.info/


Feedback Collection


To try ensuring a structured and transparent approach to the collection, collation and processing of all relevant feedback, the feedback is being collected on the following website:


http://www.semic.eu [The Semantic Interoperability Centre Europe] 


Registration, which is free, is required on http://www.semic.eu to provide the feedback.


The process for registration and providing feedback on http://www.semic.eu  is described here:




Once you have registered, the next link below will bring you to the relevant section:




from where the discussion can be joined by clicking on:  Join forum discussion.


[The website allows internal bookmarking as well as discussion tracking]


[Alternatively, feedback can be provided by sending an email to finrep@eurofiling.info ]


On behalf of my colleagues, we very much look forward to receiving your valuable feedback.


Some background


For the benefit of our colleagues who may not be familiar with the background to this new taxonomy, a few, non-normative, introductory lines on the process thus far are provided below:


In the main, the starting point is the various IFRS Accounting Standards that have been approved by the EU.


These standards give rise to a series of numerical reporting requirements that have been described in a set of Excel spreadsheets called the FINREP templates. The FINREP templates are published by the Committee of European Banking Supervisors. (CEBS)


Building on the experience gained from the development and use of the earlier FINREP taxonomies, a taxonomy architecture document entitled Eurofiling Framework Taxonomy Architecture was prepared.




There are six main principles that underpin the architecture.


2 Principles


1. Simplicity of the reporting process: the architecture must focus on simplification of instance

document creation.

2. Stability: the application of the architecture must minimize the impact of changes resulting

from amendments of information requirements on consuming systems.

3. Consistency: the framework under the architecture must be consistent in design and the

taxonomies must be coherent and explicit.

4. Compliance with specifications, best practices and related taxonomies (e.g. IFRS): the

architecture must maximally conform to approaches applied in other related projects.

5. Maintainability: the architecture must allow for the framework be easy to maintain by


6. Performance: the application of the architecture should result in other technical advantages

including reduced size of instance documents, better performance in processing (e.g. DTS

loading), etc.

The full Eurofiling Framework Taxonomy Architecture document can be found here: 

Eurofiling Framework Taxonomy Architecture


A sense of the extensive collaborative discussions that shaped the architectural decisions can be garnered from the 300+ slides in the Technology made easy document here:

Technology made easy


The FINREP templates were converted into a comprehensive set of data points which are contained in an Excel spreadsheet, entitled Data Points Structure here:

Data Points Structure


Finally the fully dimensional taxonomy was created, DTS taxonomy files along with the underlying documentation entitled Supporting explanatory documentation provided below:


DTS taxonomy files


Supporting explanatory documentation





Closing date for comments is 23rd April 2010

(At end of XII European Banking Supervisors XBRL Workshop in Rome.)



Announced by:

Colm O hAonghusa

XBRL Spain
